It is believed that of all the core competencies recognized to contribute to lifelong learning and sustainable development, none is quite as central as the ability to read and write. The paper has as gist, exploring reading skills with regard to its teaching in secondary schools as well as factors surrounding it (both for and against). The paper delved into the conceptual meaning of reading skills and make an epitomical overview on the categories of reading skills thus, skimming, scanning, intensive reading and extensive reading as majors among others. The paper also examined other phenomena salient to the topic of discussion. They include reading difficulties, causes and taxonomies of reading difficulties, remediation of reading difficulties and approach to teaching reading skills. In conclusion, the paper divulges insinuated ways to promote efficiency in teaching reading skills in secondary schools. One of such ways is the need for joint intervention of parents and teachers into the reading difficulties of children, another is the introduction and incorporation of teaching reading as a course in a teacher-training program.
AuthorS: Sani, A-U.; Amina, U.U.; A'ishatu, A. B.; Abubakar, U.U.