The Place Of The Sahaba In The Religion Of Islam

    The Sahaba are the first generation of the believers to be recognized by the Qur’an and Sunnah. They are the people of esteem status in the affairs of ummah. In the opinion of Muhaddisun, a companion is any believer who accepted the message of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and submitted his allegiance to him in person or through whatever means. It is a condition that he must be alive during the active period of Prophethood. His participation into the rigorous religious activities with prophet is not part of the conditions but are of great importance for one to be in the top ranking companions. The Sahabas are the first generation scholars and the most chosen servants of Allah ever raised in the earth as far as Islam is concerned. The purpose of this presentation is to glance at the position of these honourable gentlemen in the religion of Islam.

    Yumsuk-Hausa E-Library

    Author: Bunza, A.M.
